My HREvolution Story

by John on September 25, 2011

Like most of us, my career path in HR has never be categorized as a traveling a straight line up the career path. Rather it’s been up, sideways, down, over to the left, a hop to the right, bottom fall out and now finally stable. (Funny, because the stability happened when I moved out of HR…but that’s another story)

So rather then tell you why you should attend “HREvolution IV, SHRM Strikes Back!” I’d rather share with you a brief personal story. Attending this conference has radically changed the trajectory of my professional (and personal) life.

I had a chance to back to visit some friends a few weeks ago and while it was great to see them, I was struck at how nothing had changed. The furniture/office/atmosphere was exactly the same as it was 6 years ago. Walking out to my car after my visit, I realized that I could have easily stayed in that role, content and happy. One of my first thoughts was how I had grown personally and professionally. I thought about the times I pushed the envelope, failed spectacularly, and just how much I had learned.

I blame it owe it all to attending the conference.

Today, I realized that my personal and professional network has grown a helluva lot faster that if I had decided to not take a chance and jump on that plane to Louisville.

So that’s it. Come push the envelope, break the mold and learn from some of the smartest peeps pushing the envelope in the “HR Space”. And if you’re so inclined, the join Dr. Matt Stollak and me for our presentation on the state of HR education. Good times. Loads of good times.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I got some laundry and packing to do…

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William Tincup September 25, 2011 at 3:59 pm

great post john… see you in vegas… #bringcigars

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