MBA’s, Birthdays, and Beatitudes

by John on October 21, 2011

Happy Friday! Man this was a crazy busy week for me. I’m coming off of two quick trips over to the west coast, some frenetic activity in the office and a whole lotta crazy in my personal life.

While in Los Angeles last week, I was lucky enough to attend the National Society of Hispanic MBA’s (NSHMBA) annual conference. Overall, it was a great experience for our students. They got to chat and interview with several companies and I had a chance to meet with firms. It was a successful trip for our entire delegation.

However, there’s one small thing that I haven’t been able to shake. Simply put, it’s what are we doing
publically or privately to help others?

Why is this still bugging me, a week after the conference? Well here’s why.

Before most of the scheduled meals, the NSHMBA organizers usually brought out a Catholic Priest to say a blessing (I admit that at times I tune out the good padres, call it a throwback to my old altar boy days). But this time around there was a theme that kept resonating, growing louder each time, each meal, until finally the Bishop himself gave us a quiet but moving final invocation.

They challenged those who were attending to remember others less fortunate, the sick, the hungry, the suffering, the immigrant, and the hurt and lost souls. They challenged us to do something, anything, to help ease the suffering in the world.

Sadly, that message may have been lost on the over aggressive MBA types looking for a J-O-B.

Have we forgotten about the poor? What about the hungry or the suffering? Or to borrow from the current news trend, what about the really down & out in the 99%?

I normally don’t like to blog about this because I find this to be an incredibly intimate discussion and choice. But this is one of those thoughts that have been rattling around my head the past few days and I can’t help but think about what I’m doing (or trying to do).

Two people that I respect and care about deeply wrote pieces earlier this week that added to the message. (You can read them here and here). Laurie and Dan’s posts were incredibly brave, moving and in my opinion, a call to action.

So here’s my challenge to you dear reader… Stop for a quick moment and think about someone else then do something, anything, but don’t let the opportunity pass you by. The holidays are coming up quickly and while we’re all struggling, just do something.

Hell, if need to justify it, then it’s what I really wanted for my birthday.

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Daniel Crosby October 22, 2011 at 2:21 pm

John – fantastic post. I’ve always thought that the true measure of a faith (or a person) is how much they do to take care of those less fortunate. Thanks for linking back and for giving us all a valuable reminder.

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